Friday, September 21, 2012

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

This is another of my favorite questions, as a recruiter. While it's easy to come up with an answer to this, especially since you probably know the answer already, what's more important is that you are honest and prepare your answer.

Just like with any other question in an  interview, it's crucial that you prepare yourself in advance. This is a commonly asked question, so you should be prepared for it.

However, this does not mean that you should prepare a lie about the circumstances concerning your recent departure (or planned departure, if you're currrently employed).

Ultimately, it's up to you to come up with your own response to this question, but some don'ts to keep in mind are:
1. Never state that you resigned when you were actually terminated.
2. Never speak badly about your past or current employer. It comes across as petty, and makes us wonder how you might represent our company.
3. Don't play the blame game with the circumstances of your departure from your most recent position. It makes a prospective employer wonder whether you can take responsibility for issues. It could also be an indication that you caused more problems than you solved.

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