Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Why Prolance?

As a recruiter, I interact with plenty of developers who wonder whether they should pursue freelance positions, or consider a position where they can be a Prolancer. Here are Five Prolancing Benefits, and then maybe you can decide which path you'd like to take.


1. Supervision: Bixly’s “Prolancing” model guarantees that you have the best access to a constant source of projects, as well as our own internal learning resources. This means that between client projects, we like to keep you busy learning, and working on our own internal development projects. Compared to freelancing, where you have to worry about where your next paycheck is coming from after your current project ends, we believe that we give you a much more favorable employment experience.

2. Quantifiable Career Progress: We have a belt system here at Bixly, much like the karate belts that you may have worked so hard to earn in life, assuming you're a fan of martial arts. We took that to the next level. Our developers can demonstrate that they have sufficiently conquered Python, Django, and multiple libraries by moving up our standardized belt system. Oh yeah, and with increased performance comes increased career opportunity.

3. Ticketing & Workflow: We use the Agile Management method. This means that we assign you tickets anywhere from 1-7 days in advance, based upon your current task load and client needs. You will have to be quick on your feet, but you also get that vision of where the project is headed in the long view.

4. Dedicated Project Manager: If you choose to freelance, you're on your own when it comes to project flow and planning. You're also responsible for all facets of client communication. By working as a Bixly developer, you will have a dedicated Project Manager who oversees communication and planning with our clients for you.

5. Knowledge: We really work hard to foster learning among our employees. You get the chance to constantly learn new skills, and even participate in our own company Tech Talks! We have online meetings between developers where you get the chance to learn new skills from other developers within our company, and can also showcase the superpowers that you have.